Animal Rights Essay: Topics, Outline, & Writing Tips

  • 🐇 Animal Rights Essay: the Basics
  • 💡 Animal Rights Essay Topics
  • 📑 Outlining Your Essay
  • ✍️ Sample Essay (200 Words)

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🐇 animal rights essay: what is it about.

Animal rights supporters advocate for the idea that animals should have the same freedom to live as they wish, just as humans do. They should not be exploited or used in meat , fur, and other production. At long last, we should distinguish animals from inanimate objects and resources like coal, timber, or oil.

The picture contains an animal rights essay definition.

Interdisciplinary research has shown that animals are emotional and sensitive, just like we are.

Their array of emotions includes joy, happiness, embarrassment, resentment, jealousy, anger, love, compassion, respect, disgust, despair, and even grief.

However, animal rights legislation does not extend human rights to animals. It establishes their right to have their fundamental needs and interests respected while people decide how to treat them. This right changes the status of animals from being property to being legal entities.

The statement may sound strange until we recall that churches , banks, and universities are also legal entities. Their interests are legally protected by law. Then why do we disregard the feelings of animals , which are not inanimate institutions? Several federal laws protect them from human interference.

But the following statements are only some of the rules that could one day protect animal rights in full:

  • Animals should not be killed by hunting.
  • Animals’ habitats should allow them to live in freedom.
  • Animals should not be bred for sale or any other purpose.
  • Animals should not be used for food by industries or households.

Most arguments against the adoption of similar laws are linked to money concerns. Animal exploitation has grown into a multi-billion-dollar industry. The lives of many private farmers depend on meat production, and most people prefer not to change the comfortable status quo.

Animal Rights Argumentative Essay

An animal rights argumentative essay should tackle a problematic issue that people have widely discussed. While choosing ideas for the assignment, opt for the most debatable topics.

Here is a brief list of argumentative essay prompts on animal rights:

  • The pros and cons of animal rights.
  • Can humanity exist without meat production?
  • Do animals have souls?
  • Should society become vegan to protect animal rights?

As you see, these questions could raise controversy between interlocutors. Your purpose is to take a side and give several arguments in its support. Then you’ll have to state a counterargument to your opinion and explain why it is incorrect.

Animal Rights Persuasive Essay

An animal rights persuasive essay should clearly state your opinion on the topic without analyzing different points of view. Still, the purpose of your article is to persuade the reader that your position is not only reasonable but the only correct one. For this purpose, select topics relating to your opinion or formulated in questionary form.

For example:

  • What is your idea about wearing fur?
  • Do you think people would ever ban animal exploitation?
  • Is having pets a harmful practice?
  • Animal factories hinder the development of civilization .

💡 53 Animal Rights Essay Topics

  • Animal rights have been suppressed for ages because people disregard their mental abilities .
  • Cosmetic and medical animal testing .
  • Laws preventing unnecessary suffering of animals mean that there is some necessary suffering.
  • Red fluorescent protein transgenic dogs experiment.
  • Do you believe animals should have legal rights?
  • Genetically modified animals and implications.
  • Why is animal welfare important?
  • Neutering animals to prevent overpopulation: Pros and cons.
  • Animal testing: Arguments for and against.
  • What is our impact on marine life?
  • Some animals cannot stay wild.
  • Animal testing for medical purposes .
  • We are not the ones to choose which species to preserve.
  • Pavlov’s dog experiment .
  • Keeping dogs chained outdoors is animal neglect.
  • The use of animals for research .
  • Animal dissection as a learning tool: Alternatives?
  • More people beat their pets than we think.
  • Duties to non-human animals.
  • If we do not control the population of some animals, they will control ours.
  • Animals in entertainment: Not entertaining at all.
  • Animals in research, education, and teaching.
  • Which non-animal production endangers the species?
  • Is animal testing really needed?
  • Why do some people think that buying a new pet is cheaper than paying for medical treatment of the old one?
  • Animal experiments: benefits, ethics, and defenders.
  • Can people still be carnivorous if they stop eating animals?
  • Animal testing role.
  • Marine aquariums and zoos are animal prisons.
  • Animal experimentation: justification arguments .
  • What would happen if we replace animals in circuses with people, keeping the same living conditions?
  • The ethics of animal use in scientific research .
  • Animal sports: Relics of the past.
  • Animal testing ban: counterargument and rebuttal .
  • Denial to purchase animal-tested cosmetics will not change anything.
  • Animal research, its ineffectiveness and amorality.
  • Animal rights protection based on their intellect level: It tells a lot about humanity.
  • Debates of using animals in scientific analysis .
  • How can we ban tests on rats and kill them in our homes at the same time?
  • Animal testing in experiments .
  • What is the level of tissue engineering development in leather and meat production?
  • Equal consideration of interests to non-human animals .
  • Animals should not have to be our servants.
  • Zoos as an example of humans’ immorality.
  • We should feed wild animals to help them survive.
  • Animal testing in biomedical research.
  • Abolitionism: The right not to be owned.
  • Do you support the Prima facie rights theory?
  • Psychologist perspective on research involving animal and human subjects.
  • Ecofeminism: What is the link between animals’ and women’s rights?
  • No philosophy could rationalize cruelty against animals.
  • Qualities that humans and animals share .
  • Ancient Buddhist societies and vegetarianism: A research paper.

Need more ideas? You are welcome to use our free research topic generator !

📑 Animal Rights Essay Outline

An animal rights essay should be constructed as a standard 5-paragraph essay (if not required otherwise in the assignment). The three following sections provide a comprehensive outline.

The picture lists the structural parts of an animal rights essay.

Animal Rights Essay: Introduction

An introduction consists of:

  • Background information,
  • A thesis statement .

In other words, here you need to explain why you decided to write about the given topic and which position you will take. The background part should comprise a couple of sentences highlighting the topicality of the issue. The thesis statement expresses your plans in the essay.

For example: In this essay, I will explain why animal-based production harms the ecology.

Animal Rights Essay: Main Body

The main body is a place for you to argue your position . One paragraph equals one argument. In informative essays, replace argumentation with facts.

Start each section with a topical sentence consisting of a general truth. Then give some explanation and more specific points. By the way, at the end of this article, you’ll find a bonus! It is a priceless selection of statistics and facts about animal rights.

Animal Rights Essay: Conclusion

A conclusion restates your central ideas and thesis statement. Approach it as a summary of your essay, avoid providing new facts or arguments.

✍️ Animal Rights Essay Example (200 Words)

Why is animal welfare important? The term “animal welfare” evokes the pictures of happy cows from a milk advertisement. But the reality has nothing to do with these bright videos. Humane treatment of animals is a relative concept. This essay explains why animal welfare is important, despite that it does not prevent farms from killing or confining animals.

The best way to approach animal welfare is by thinking of it as a temporary measure. We all agree that the current state of the economy does not allow humanity to abandon animal-based production. Moreover, such quick decisions could make farm animals suffer even more. But ensuring the minimum possible pain is the best solution as of the moment.

The current legislation on animal welfare is far from perfect. The Animal Welfare Act of 1966 prevents cruelty against animals in labs and zoos. Meanwhile, the majority of suffering animals do not fall under its purview. For example, it says nothing about the vivisection of rats and mice for educational and research purposes, although the procedure is extremely painful for the creature. Neither does it protect farm animals.

Unfortunately, the principles of animal welfare leave too much room for interpretation. Animals should be free from fear and stress, but how can we measure that? They should be allowed to engage in natural behaviors, but no confined space would let them do so. Thus, the legislation is imprecise.

The problem of animal welfare is almost unresolvable because it is a temporary measure to prevent any suffering of domesticated animals. It has its drawbacks but allows us to ensure at least some comfort for those we unjustifiably use for food. They have the same right to live on this planet as we do, and animal farming will be stopped one day.

📊 Bonus: Statistics & Facts for Your Animal Rights Essay Introduction

Improve the quality of your essay on animal rights by working in the following statistics and facts about animals.

  • According to USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service , about 4.6 billion animals — including hogs, sheep, cattle, chickens, ducks, lambs, and turkey — were killed and used for food in the United States last year (2015).
  • People in the U.S. kill over 100 million animals for laboratory experiments every year, according to PETA .
  • More than 40 million animals are killed for fur worldwide every year. About 30 million animals are raised and killed on fur farms, and nearly 10 million wild animals are hunted and killed for the same reasons — for their valuable fur.
  • According to a report by In Defense of Animals , hunters kill more than 200 million animals in the United States yearly.
  • The Humane Society of the United States notes that a huge number of cats and dogs — between 3 and 4 million each year — are killed in the country’s animal shelters. Sadly, this number does not include dogs or cats killed in animal cruelty cases.
  • According to the ASPCA , about 7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters in the United States yearly. Of this number, 3.9 Mil of dogs, and 3.4 Mil of cats.
  • About 2.7 million animals are euthanized in shelters every year (1.4 million cats and 1.2 million dogs).
  • About 2.7 million shelter animals are adopted every year (1.3 million cats and 1.4 million dogs).
  • In total, there are approximately 70-80 million dogs and 74-96 million cats living as pets in the United States.
  • It’s impossible to determine the exact number of stray cats and dogs living in the United States, but the number of cats is estimated to be up to 70 million.
  • Many stray cats and dogs were once family pets — but they were not kept securely indoors or provided with proper identification.

Each essay on animals rights makes humanity closer to a better and more civilized world. Please share any thoughts and experience in creating such texts in the comments below. And if you would like to hear how your essay would sound in someone’s mind, use our Text-To-Speech tool .

  • Why Animal Rights? | PETA
  • Animal Rights – Encyclopedia Britannica
  • Animal ethics: Animal rights – BBC
  • Animal Health and Welfare – National Agricultural Library
  • The Top 10 Animal Rights Issues – Treehugger
  • Animal welfare – European Commission

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How to Deal with Animal Right Essays: Quick & Simple Prompts

Jared Houdi

Table of Contents

Whether you’re a student at the Ethics, Biology, or Medicine department, you can receive an assignment to write animal right essays from time to time.

On the one hand, the task may seem simple and manageable at first glance. On the other hand, such essays (as any other type of academic work) require careful research, outlining, structuring, and writing in line with top academic standards. Thus, if you’re stuck on this task with no ideas in mind, read on to find valuable tips for this kind of essay.

Here we compiled valuable recommendations from our writing experts about:

  • Finding an interesting, relevant topic.
  • Composing an animal rights outline.
  • Developing an effective animal rights thesis statement.
  • Researching credible sources for animal right essays.
  • Structuring your arguments.
  • Effective editing and proofreading of the assignment.

Why It Is Important to Discuss Animal Rights

Whenever you approach writing about animal rights, this topic’s relevance always surfaces as a critical vantage point of your animal rights essays. It’s a commonly recognized fact that throughout history, humans have been too cruel toward animals, and they have ruined much of the authentic wildlife ecosystems in the process of industrialization and urbanization. As a result, numerous species lost their habitats and were urged to seek shelter elsewhere, thus altering other natural habitats by residing in places where they shouldn’t be.

Even in cities, where people and animals seem to have different lives, cruel treatment and abuse of human authority are evident.

First, pets are not always treated ethically and respectfully, mainly because of their legal status as human property.

Second, many pets are abandoned and flood the streets, where they are either killed by other street animals or are doomed to wandering the streets and surviving by eating trash and food remnants.

Third, corporate breeding animals for food (e.g., children farms and daily factories) is highly inhumane, involving cruel treatment of animals and their stay in awful conditions.

The situation with wildlife is not much better, with hunters and poachers killing wild animals for fun and entertainment. Fires and floods caused by human-made climate change also urge wild animals to seek shelter and food in human residences, which often ends in their killing or captivation.

Thus, as one can see, the problem of animal rights and human oppression of the planet’s fauna is pressing, with so many manifestations of unethical, inconsiderate, and cruel attitudes to all creatures, great and small.

Main Points to Elaborate on

Given the problems surrounding animal protection and rights today, you can approach the subject from numerous perspectives in your academic assignment:

  • Legal rights of animals in your country or abroad. Comparison of legal policies towards wildlife and pet protection.
  • Pet protection and a new legal status for pets.
  • Legal and ethical standards for corporate farming.
  • Legal and ethical standards for animal use with medical/experimental purposes.
  • Wildlife protection and conservation.
  • Protection of marine life from exploitative industrial practices.

How to Write Animal Rights Essay Introduction

All animal right essays should start with an impactful introduction so that your audience understands what you’re talking about, what you’re driving at, and what your key arguments are.

To achieve this goal, we recommend structuring an introduction as follows:

  • First, discuss the broad context of the paper – animal rights in general, what kinds of rights they possess, and what abuses of those rights are observed globally.
  • You may also boost the interest of your readers by citing some shocking stats or providing some anecdotal evidence. Anyway, this information should be relevant, pointing to the serious, pressing problem in the field of animal rights you have identified.
  • Next, it’s vital to formulate the problem clearly and indicate how you will resolve/discuss it. It will be your thesis statement.

Following this structure, you’re sure to make a captivating intro that will urge your audience to read the paper until its end.

Animal Rights Essay Outline

To complete animal right essays quickly and effectively, you need to perform some pre-writing work. Composing an outline is always a helpful approach to organizing the basis for your writing process as you receive a roadmap for the further composition of your essay’s vital parts.

Here is a sample outline for a paper about pet rights and legal status. Still, you can successfully appropriate this outline for any other topic by following the instructions about each part’s content.


Introduce your subject and give some background information. Underline the problem’s significance. State your key idea of the paper.

Pets are typically a part of the family in which they live, causing warm feelings and enjoying commitment from the people who invited them to their homes. Still, sadly, pets are considered property by law in 90% of countries, limiting the protection of cruelly treated and abandoned animals. Thus, a legal change is required to improve pet coverage by law and enable animal rights advocates to take measures against pet maltreatment.


Paragraph #1-3 – Indicate a topic sentence with each paragraph’s key idea. Support that key idea with some supporting data from credible sources. Offer your interpretation of the information in those external sources. Make a transition to the next paragraph and then to the conclusion.

Paragraph #1 – statistics on pet maltreatment. Animal abandonment and abuse.

Paragraph #2 – protective legislation. E.g., the UK Animal Welfare Act (2007), felony animal cruelty laws in the USA.

Paragraph #3 – animal rights advocacy organizations (e.g., ALDF). Actions they take to prevent and minimize pet maltreatment.

Summarize your arguments concisely and refer them back to the general argument. Clarify the arguments’ significance for the broader subject of your research. Again, stress the importance of dwelling on this subject theoretically and with practical steps.

Pet abuse is still commonplace because of the legal status of home animals as human property. Still, numerous laws and activist organizations work to change the situation. A broader legal change is required to change pets’ status and enhance their protection.

How to Write Animal Rights Thesis Statement

The thesis statement for animal right essays should be clear and concise, communicating your central message and purpose of the paper. The thesis should not be too long or too short. It should also incorporate the central arguments you’ll expand in the following sections of your text.

In this way, this statement will function as your readers’ roadmap leading them from one argument to another one and helping them follow your logic.

20 Animal Topics for Research Papers – Choose the Best Idea

Looking for some bulletproof animal topics for research papers? Here is a list you can use on all occasions to compose various academic works with ease.

  • Is it realistic to protect all animal rights today?
  • Is the animals’ right to no selective breeding compatible with the human needs?
  • What is the best way to protect animals from the harmful impact of humans?
  • Is hunting ethical on any grounds?
  • Hunting and animal species extinction – a need for a more effective protective policy.
  • Is experimentation on animals generally avoidable?
  • How does the human-made climate change affect the well-being of fauna?
  • Is pet euthanasia a reality?
  • The impact of massive fishing on biodiversity and fish species survival.
  • Increasing peopling of suburbs and the loss of animal habitat – a reverse side of people’s flight from the vices of urbanization.
  • What is the impact of invasive species on the local wildlife? Discuss with examples.
  • Cruel handling of corporately farmed animals.
  • Is overbreeding of pets a pressing problem? What are the far-reaching consequences of overbreeding?
  • Destroying predators – a step towards human safety or an ecological crime? Discuss the fundamental role of predators in local wildlife and the adverse effects of these species’ minimization.
  • Are police and military dogs given similar rights upon retirement as people who served their motherland? Discuss more extensive coverage of police/military dog health and care services.
  • What kinds of experiments on animals are unavoidable to save people’s lives? And what are senseless and cruel?
  • Animal abuse in zoos – the reverse side of human entertainment and endangered species conservation.
  • Is it ethical to use animals in hard manual/agricultural labor?
  • What can people do to enhance animal rights protection?
  • Is it ethical to consider animals human property? The need for a legal change of pet status as a vital contribution to the more humane treatment of home pets.

With these topics, you’re sure to beat all professors’ expectations and develop an attention-grabbing, exciting argument.

Need Professional Help?

Writing animal right essays is an exciting activity that can help you hone your writing skills and, at the same time, enhance your understanding of the topic. But what can you do if the task seems too complicated or you have too little time for composing several urgent papers?

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Animal Rights and Human Responsibilities: Towards a Relational Capabilities Approach in Animal Ethics

Primary view of object titled 'Animal Rights and Human Responsibilities: Towards a Relational Capabilities Approach in Animal Ethics'.

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In this thesis, I analyze some of the most important contributions concerning the inclusion of animals in the moral and political sphere. Moving from these positions, I suggest that a meaningful consideration of animals' sentience demands a profound, radical political theory which considers animals as moral patients endowed with specific capabilities whose actualization needs to be allowed and/or promoted. Such theory would take human-animal different types of relationships into account to decide what kind of ethical and political responsibilities humans have towards animals. It would be also based on the assumption that animals' sentience is the necessary and sufficient feature … continued below

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iii, 44 pages

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Guerini, Elena May 2018.

This thesis is part of the collection entitled: UNT Theses and Dissertations and was provided by the UNT Libraries to the UNT Digital Library , a digital repository hosted by the UNT Libraries . It has been viewed 977 times, with 19 in the last month. More information about this thesis can be viewed below.

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  • Ruderman, Richard Committee Chair

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  • Greig, Michael
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  • Name: Master of Arts
  • Level: Master's
  • Department: Department of Political Science
  • College: College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
  • Discipline: Political Science
  • PublicationType: Master's Thesis
  • Grantor: University of North Texas

In this thesis, I analyze some of the most important contributions concerning the inclusion of animals in the moral and political sphere. Moving from these positions, I suggest that a meaningful consideration of animals' sentience demands a profound, radical political theory which considers animals as moral patients endowed with specific capabilities whose actualization needs to be allowed and/or promoted. Such theory would take human-animal different types of relationships into account to decide what kind of ethical and political responsibilities humans have towards animals. It would be also based on the assumption that animals' sentience is the necessary and sufficient feature for assigning moral status. I start from the consideration that in the history of political philosophy, most theorists have excluded animals from the realm of justice. I then propose an examination of utilitarianism, capabilities approach, and relational-based theories of animal rights (in particular the works by Kymlicka and Donaldson, and Clare Palmer) and borrow essential elements from each of these approaches to build my theory. I claim that a political theory which attaches high importance to individual capabilities, as well as to the various types of relationships we have with animals, is the most appropriate to tackle the puzzle of human responsibilities to animals.

  • Animal Ethics
  • Animal Rights
  • Capabilities Theory

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  • Animal welfare -- Political aspects.
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Guerini, Elena. Animal Rights and Human Responsibilities: Towards a Relational Capabilities Approach in Animal Ethics , thesis , May 2018; Denton, Texas . ( : accessed May 30, 2024 ), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library, ; .

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Writing an argumentative essay on animal testing

Academic writing

Essay paper writing

good thesis statement for animal rights

Writing any academic assignment requires rigorous preparation, and animal rights essay is not an exception. The issue of animal rights is considered to be one of the most topical nowadays. Of course, you have your own opinion about this topic, and it can be different from what you can find in other essays about animals on the Internet when searching for some materials. Don't worry – you have to understand that the purpose of writing this particular assignment is to describe your perception of this issue. You can compare opposing views, give examples of researches performed by other people, but your thesis statement and ideas should definitely be unique. The same thing is about the conclusion in which you briefly summarize all the major turning points as well as provide the new approach to the issue under investigation. Animal rights became a widely debated topic over the last century. The number of activist groups fighting for animal rights is growing as well as the number of cases when people exploit animals. So, while working on this academic topic, you will face two opposite views on this problem. However, it is up to you how to develop this topic. Now, you need to know where to start and how to move in the process of your writing to ensure that every single aspect of excellent academic writing is addressed. If you want to know more tips on how to do this when working on essays on animal testing, keep reading this article, and you will find a lot of useful pieces of advice to prepare the best assignment!

Animal Rights Essay 1

Animal testing essay

Animal testing essay is one of the most popular topics for consideration and research in universities across the world. With the ongoing heated debate about whether it’s appropriate to perform animal testing of various kinds, you can find an extensive list of evidence suggesting quite opposing variables.

Where do we start to work on this assignment? There are tons of information on this topic in libraries and online sources. It could take ages to study all of them. In order not to get lost in this amount of information, you need to formulate your animal testing thesis statement succinctly. What is your approach and your personal opinion about animal rights and animal testing in particular? Write down all the ideas that come to your mind because otherwise, you can forget something essential. Writing animal testing persuasive speech requires conducting an extensive research. You need to know the most popular and the latest studies, be aware of possible objections, and be sure of how you would cover them. Make sure you employ all the basic principles of logic when arguing your point, and don’t forget about the importance of critical thinking that you’ve been taught as a freshman. Yes, we know this can sound like a too obvious kind of advice, but you are never going to believe how many students fail to provide the convincing proof simply because they forget or neglect the common list of logical fallacies. So, as soon as you remember the proper structure that every academic essay should have and are aware of the formatting rules of your university, you need to get clear with what type of essay you will be writing. Is it a persuasive or argumentative essay? Or maybe, it’s a research paper? All of these types have slightly different principles of writing, and you have to understand them correctly to write a decent paper. Let’s look at each of them in more detail.

Animal Rights Essay 2

Animal testing argumentative essay

The essay structure mostly depends on the type of paper that you are writing. In the case of an animal testing argumentative essay, your main task is to defend a point that you propose as your thesis statement. For better understanding, we are going to explain some of the most common types of claims, with the help of which you can formulate an appropriate statement worth a professional academic assignment.

The first one is answering a question about whether some idea is true or not. In an argumentative essay on animal testing, for example, you can answer the question if animal testing indeed harmful for any animal or some of them still remain useful for humanity and relatively safe for animals.

The next claim that you can use in your essay could be this: what do some definitions that you choose mean? In an essay like this, you can examine animal testing in laboratories for cosmetic or for pharmaceutical companies. What do they do with animals? How ethical is that?

Another type of thesis statement claim focuses on value. You can highlight it in your argumentative essay against animal testing. It literally answers the question of how important this topic is. Animal rights have become quite a burning issue over the past few decades because, according to ASPCA, a significant level of testing of medications that appeared to be safe for animals, caused a harmful effect on humans, or in better cases were just ineffective. In this regard, another burning question is the following: is animal testing relevant for further investigations in the field of the pharmaceutical industry? The same goes for an argumentative article on animal testing. At that point, you can also claim that according to the applicable law, a medical drug, to be approved for national and worldwide selling, has to be tested on no less than 10,000 humans.

It is useful to write your ideas on little pieces of paper when preparing to formulate an animal testing argumentative essay outline and rearrange them on the table until you have perfect logical order. For example, by showing the proper facts, data, statistics, and references from authoritative sources, you can lead to the point that animal testing in too many cases results in false conclusions about the safety measures of medicine constituents.

Another type of argument is focusing on policy. After proposing the thesis statement of an essay on using animals in research, you can lead to the point of assuming what strategies could be applied to resolve the problems revealed as a part of researches using animals for the experiments. In many of these types of claims, you can use the deployment of the subject throughout history to make your evidence even more showing. For example, if you are writing an argumentative essay on animals being used for research, you can start with a notion that, in Middle Ages, for example, people widely exploited animals because this was the only way to survive, and they didn’t really care neither about animal rights nor about the excessive number of humans dying from diseases as a result of the lack of hygiene and means of security. However, centuries have passed, and our civilization has chosen another way of development. The first recorded organization that had an intention to fight for animal rights was the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in England, established in 1824. If you live in the USA, you can also examine the current laws that are applicable to the issue of animal testing, and that would be the Animal Welfare Act passed by Congress in 1966, with an amendment in 1986, which you can view as a law that needs revising again, as the 21st century gains traction. It is also useful to prepare animal rights debate questions in advance in case if you have to defend your point in front of the class and your professor. Don’t forget to prepare the most persuasive answers to possible questions and memorize or at least write them on small pieces of paper. The structure of an animal cruelty argumentative essay doesn’t differ from most of the other types of essays. What’s important here is to keep the debate going. This method is also widely used for another kind of essay, which could be called animal testing debate essay, and it would focus mainly on the debate of two opposing points of view rather than on proving your statement based on other scholars’ conclusions.  After formulating your thesis statement, it is time to create an outline and to start writing the first part of your paper – the introduction. Ideally, it should contain a so-called hook statement. This idea should be slightly different from the clear and persuasive thesis statement that indicated directly what you mean and why you think it should be considered credible. An animal testing essay hook must immediately draw the attention of your prospective reader so that they want to immerse in reading your essay till the very end. This could be a witty rhetorical question that sets the scene for the main statement before you address it, or it could be a timely quote to think about or an intriguing idea that, most likely, no one has thought about the way you propose it until now.

Animal Rights Essay 3

Animal rights essay introduction and body

When writing an animal rights essay introduction, you have to present the information in such a way that your audience will be interested in continuing reading your paper. Besides, this section should gradually lead your reader to the thesis statement, which has to be relevant and to the point. Remember that you shouldn’t use valuable arguments that you have collected before body paragraphs of your animal testing controversy essay. Your main task in this part is still presenting a good thesis statement, which you will have to reinforce with arguments in the body of your essay.

The next thing you have to think about is body paragraphs. A conventional academic essay typically consists of three to five body paragraphs. Each of them should have a traditional structure, which is simple to follow step by step, whether you are writing why should animals have rights essay or any other type of argument related to this topic. Any body paragraph starts with a topic sentence. These sentences represent the main idea of this part and act as a transition from one argument to another. After this, you have to introduce the sub-argument that you planned to discuss in this section when creating an essay outline. After the topic sentence and the following section are introduced, you can develop your argument further on.

The next thing to do in an academic assignment like animal experimentation essay is to reinforce your argument by using some evidence and examples. Supportive evidence like facts, statistics, and references from authoritative literature pieces might all be used for proving that your point of view is valid. Finally, at the very end of your body paragraph, it’s time to summarize everything that you have written in this section. At this point, you need to strengthen your defendable claim and supporting evidence stated above with a persuasive final statement. In other words, try to answer the question: why was this point so important and relevant?

Animal testing essay conclusion

After you are done writing all of your body paragraphs, it’s finally time to write the last part, which is the animal testing essay conclusion. With this final point, you can either prove your thesis statement is right or fail with it, so we recommend you to be exceptionally patient when working on this part. Note that basic principles of how to write an essay conclusion can be applied to practically all types of papers, including animal rights argumentative essay. You can divide your conclusion into some parts. In the first sentence, you have to rephrase the central message – your thesis statement. The difference between this sentence and your thesis statement in an introduction is that now you are completely sure that the presented idea is true because you have just proved your rightness. In the following few sentences, you can briefly repeat all the sub-arguments that you have stated before. In the end, the best way to finish your essay is to add the concluding thesis about animal testing. This one can represent some universal truth, hold an interesting idea, or give some food for thought to your readers.

Persuasive essay on animal testing

When deciding on what approach to focus on when writing an animal testing persuasive essay, you are probably wondering how a persuasive essay is different from the argumentative one. In this case, you have to remember that writing a persuasive essay, you employ principles of morality and emotional influence to argue the stated point of view. In this type of assignment, you have a chance to appeal to your reader’s emotions and not to eliminate your own for the sake of a rational viewpoint. Your purpose, in this case, is to influence people through their emotional reactions and feelings. Even though, don’t forget that you are still writing an academic assignment and your essay or your persuasive speech on animal testing should remain perfectly logical, contain strong evidence as well as opposing views. Keep in mind that any persuasive speech should contain a call to action. Social messages like stop animals abuse make an excellent topic for such speech. Your ultimate goal to achieve when writing a persuasive essay on animal testing is to convince your readers that your point is valid and to encourage people to take action towards resolving the problem that you highlight. Imagine yourself being a lawyer or a head of an animal rights activist organization. What line of reasoning would you choose to attract random people to join your movement? It is also important to picture a portrait of your readers because the whole structure of an assignment like animal cruelty persuasive speech depends on them. So determine your target audience and don’t forget to maintain awareness of their possible biases; that would help you to structure a perfect counter-argument to any probable objections. So as you can see, writing animal cruelty persuasive essay is quite a challenging task, so do your best to come up with a high-quality text that can really change people’s attitudes. Just make sure that your arguments are strong enough to persuade even the biggest skeptics. Before you start writing, we recommend you to look through persuasive essay topics about animals that your professor had provided or to find them on the Internet. You will be surprised how well-developed this subject is. Of course, you need to find a particular topic of animal abuse persuasive essay that will appeal to you. By doing that, you will be able not only to stay motivated and finish the essay way before deadlines but also to choose the right audience unmistakably. Useful advice is to look for the emotional link that connects you and your audience. For example, this could be the fact that you are a pet owner, or one of your older relatives was treated by a medicine, which was tested on animals, and it was proved to be ineffective. There are thousands of stories like this, and almost anyone can find them relatable. You should also think about the strong opening phrase that will help you to grasp the attention of your reader. The easiest way to come up with an idea for the part that is called ‘the attention grabber’ is to be familiar with the subject and to care about this problem. For example, in the should animals be kept in zoos persuasive essay, you are encouraged to appeal to people’s emotions, as we remember from the explanations above, but you also should not forget about morality and logical reasoning of the question that you want to discuss. As a result, you can start with a memory of your childhood when you went to the zoo. How animals looked there? What did they do? How visitors reacted to them and how they reacted in return? Did animals look happy and healthy? The answers to all of these questions might not appear positive. Use these memories to picture the life of the animals in captivity. You can also highlight your ideas with the extensive research that you have performed.   Some students prefer to write an outline after they jot down the first draft of their essay, especially if it’s a relatively short three-paragraph assignment. Some of them even look for animal testing essay titles after they finish working on the text of the essay. However, it is up to you to decide on which stage to write an outline or a title, and there is no solely successful formula. Moreover, you can even add the introduction and the conclusion at the very end of your writing, but if you feel inspired by the topic that you have chosen, it will be quite effective to write an introduction right from the start, before you write your actual animal abuse assignment.

Animal Rights Essay 4

Animal rights research paper

Writing an animal rights research paper might not be the most challenging assignment during your studies because this subject has become a touchy topic for recent years. Almost all the people inevitably love animals; that’s why it is essential to question out morality norms in terms of our actions towards innocent creatures whose lives sometimes fully depend on us. As Antoine de Saint-Exupéry once said — ‘You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.’ Animal rights movement research paper has a very traditional structure similar to those we described earlier in sections about persuasive and argumentative essays. By the way, you can either choose an argumentative or analytical paper to write. The main difference between them lies in the ultimate goal of your writing. The argumentative paper focuses on some very controversial topic, and it looks much like a debate between two opposing points of view. At the same time, an analytical research paper has a more rational than persuasive approach. In a paper like the latter, you are allowed to gather as many references as you want, and they don’t have to oppose each other. You may compare them, but your main goal in this essay would be searching for the truth. When writing assignments like a research paper on animal abuse, the research itself becomes the most important part of your work. There can be multiple sources of information about animal testing, animal rights, animals bred in captivity, etc. You can go the traditional way and collect valuable and authoritative information to make your strongest points with it. The sources could be academic databases that can be found online. You can also visit the library at your university.

Of course, the Internet search is boundless, and you can also find valid sources from any location in the world, which expands your perspectives for writing a persuasive animal cruelty research paper a lot. You will find various articles, blog posts, news posts, encyclopedias, historical documents, web pages, books, and interviews. However, make sure you use no less than five authoritative sources in your research paper. When looking through the non-scholarly sources of information like blog posts, videos, and web articles, check whether they are unbiased and trustworthy.

After you collected the information, it might seem daunting to sort it all out and write a perfect academic paper. Don’t worry, you can do it! Just divide your work into easy steps. For example, the first thing to do after your research is to organize the sources of your animal abuse research paper. For example, use small colored slips of paper to recognize different kinds of sources. It is also useful to stick to each of them little papers with notes of what you find important in this reference and why, what idea you want to develop on the basis of this document, etc. Don’t forget to construct a bibliography list for your paper. It is exceptionally quick and easy to do if you have organized your references the way that is described here. Now you can also come up with a good title for animal testing essay. Your title should be intriguing but at the same time informative for your readers.

Now it’s time to take a few more steps of preparation for the actual writing of your paper. The next thing to do is to develop your animal testing research paper outline. When you have all your notes organized, you won’t spend much time and effort on this stage. Just remember to familiarize yourself with formatting guidelines that you are required to follow. Most of the types of formats are used for specific fields of study, so make sure that the norms and rules that you want to use are approved by your university or school. Only after you know how you should format your paper, you can create a relevant outline and move on. After this, it’s time to formulate an animal testing essay thesis. Make sure it clearly represents your idea without stating any references yet. A good way to shape your thesis statement is to pose it as a question or as a persuasion. For example, it could sound like ‘Should animal testing be prohibited in the USA?’ or ‘Animal testing should be prohibited.’ Both options are right; you just have to show the argument in a necessary light since all of your sub-arguments and counter-arguments throughout the whole paper will revolve around your thesis about animal testing. Before getting down to writing body paragraphs, you can make it easier for you and highlight the most important turning points that you will be discussing. Note that one pivotal point should not be necessarily deployed in a single paragraph. You can complete your idea in one section, but you can also develop it through a few paragraphs. Just make sure to keep the thesis statement as the ultimate point of your paper. Even if you are writing controversial animal rights vs medical research paper, which is simple to follow because you are only describing two of the contradictory views in relation to each other, keep in mind that you should maintain your focus straightly on the essay topic. Keep an eye on your animal rights essay outline, and don’t let your thoughts wander, especially if you’ve collected a lot of evidence and sources. It might be a good idea to spend some time relaxing. After this, you can reread what you have already written and get some fresh ideas. Surprisingly, you might suddenly find that some points need further elaboration, whereas some of them have to be cut down or eliminated. You might also want to make your language sound more professional and academic, even if you’ve chosen a very modern and up-to-date topic like the research paper on animals in zoos. In this case, we recommend you to swap some of simple, casual words into brainier ones! Also, it’s important to make your direct quotes as concise as possible. Even if the piece that you found seems over the top relevant in your given context, it will look more professional if you avoid inserting too long citations. When writing an animal testing should be banned essay, don’t forget to save your witty thoughts for transitional sentences between the paragraphs, because they should link the two separate sections together and make your animal protection essay look more cohesive and logically explained.

Now, the best way to emphasize the importance of your findings is to write a strong conclusion for your animal rights assignment like an essay on animals for research purposes. When writing a conclusion, you need to restate the thesis statement with more confidence and to briefly remind the reader of all the major turning points that you covered throughout the whole essay. It’s a good idea to write an essay conclusion right after you finish the body paragraphs because your evidence remains clear in your mind. Ultimately, at the end of an assignment, when you have already proved your thesis statement against animal testing, try to answer the question ‘So, what?’ to create memorable and convincing final sentence.

Animal Rights Essay 5

Animals in captivity essay

An ongoing debate about breeding and keeping animals in enclosed spaces like zoos and circuses intensifies each day. That is why writing animals in captivity essay is extremely in demand right now as it is interesting both for knowledgeable and general audience. The trick with this theme is that there is no actual right or false statement. Both kinds of arguments, let’s say, for and against keeping animals in zoos, sound realistic and to the point. Let’s discover some of the most popular statements on this topic. Animal rights activists view zoos and circuses like hell for animals. They rely on the emotional state, questioning what would you feel if you have been trapped in the cage for a lifetime and used for entertainment. Such an approach that appeals more to people’s feelings on this subject is more appropriate to adopt for should zoos be banned essay. Moreover, activists keep saying that wild animals suffer in enclosed spaces because they cannot do what’s natural for them like hunting for food. If you are writing should animals be kept in zoos argumentative essay, you should focus on more objective evidence both for and against keeping animals in captivity, which we will continue discussing further on in this section. Another argument against zoos is that by watching animals living in zoos, we can’t learn anything about their life in the wild. When writing a zoos ethical essay, you can use this argument as an opposing viewpoint to the one that suggests that zoos are created for educational purposes. Furthermore, a piece of supportive evidence against zoos could be the fact that only 2% of the world’s 6000+ endangered species are breading in the enclosure. This means that zoos are functioning mainly for making money, and they don't help threatened species to stay alive in safer conditions than in the wilderness. Most zoos also provide improper care like cramped spaces and faulty diet for animals. An opposing idea on this topic for an argumentative essay on zoos lies in the fact that its proponents view the problem from a totally different perspective. Those who support animals being in captivity insist that zoos are the safest places for breeding and keeping animals that could be endangered otherwise. In the wilderness, the small population of some species could be fully exterminated because other animals would eat them. Another case is that lots of people keep hunting wild animals, killing them for food, fur, skin, and horns. Animals should not be kept in zoos argumentative essay could also be supplemented by the idea that smaller animal exhibitors like roadside zoos and petting zoos keep animals in improper conditions. Sometimes a lion lives his whole life in a barren of concrete with metal bars on the sides or in a small cage. But even if the conditions of accredited zoos create a space for lions and bears that resembles their natural habitat, animal activists question if mankind has a right to confine animals for science, education, and entertainment. Finally, we are going to discuss the most popular and widespread opposing arguments that support keeping animals in the zoos, which will help you to collect the solid evidence for your cruelty against animals essay, to formulate an appropriate thesis statement and to build a strong line of reasoning around it. As we have already mentioned before, keeping animals in zoos helps people develop an appreciation for animals and become educated more about wildlife. As a result, by watching how they live, children and adults gain the understanding that it is immoral to kill these animals for fur and food, and it is much better to help them grow and live in peace. Furthermore, if you watch people who are working in zoos, you can see how much effort they put into keeping animals healthy. It requires bringing them the food they like, cleaning and nursing them, helping to bring up babies, and sometimes even doing surgeries. Moreover, large zoos also deploy programs of rescuing the endangered species by looking after them in a safe environment free from predators and starvation. They also have specific breeding programs that help to grow the number of threatened species. However, to support this argument when writing an assignment about animals in captivity, you should perform extensive research to prove that these programs really function and that they help to save species. It is great if you can bring some statistics on the number or percentage of saved animals due to these programs. You can also choose are circuses immoral essay to explore the question of keeping animals in circuses for entertainment. The largest organization fighting for animal rights PETA suggests that circus shows are the cruelest on Earth, mentioning the UniverSoul circus in particular. They say that lots of species there have to suffer from transportation as well as forced training and performances. The trainers whip lions if they don't obey their commands. These people train elephants to perform uncomfortable tricks like standing on their heads, and if they fail to do this, they get beaten by sharp metal billhooks until they bleed. Besides, these animals have to live in small cages. During transportation, they have to wait in small trailers for days. An elephant Heather at King Royal Circus even died in one of such trucks from heat exhaustion. While animals are isolated from everything natural for them like playing, running, breeding, searching for food, and defending their territory, they develop abnormal behaviors like head-bobbing and constant pacing. Some of them attempt to run away, mutilating people and damaging property. For example, an elephant named Tyke was killed when she ran away from Circus International of Honolulu, Hawaii. We strongly recommend adding this argument in your why animals should not be used for entertainment essay.

So now you know how to approach a paper on such a controversial and sore topic. Just remember that when writing an essay like this, try not to get overwhelmed with emotions, be logical and perfectly rational until the very end to defend your point and propose the right solution to the problem. 

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Animal Rights Persuasive Essay Sample, with Outline

Published by gudwriter on November 23, 2017 November 23, 2017

Animal Rights Essay

Animals have a right to be free of human use and exploitation. They have an inherent worth and moral rights that should be respected. To have the best grades on such kind of essays, essay writing services for MBA will write them for you.

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Animal Rights Essay Outline


Thesis: People should consider giving animals the same rights as human beings because they deserve it.

Paragraph 1:

Animals should be granted the same rights as humans first because just like humans, they have the capacity to suffer.

  • They feel motherly love, loneliness, frustration, fear, and pleasure depending on the situation they find themselves in.
  • It should be the moral obligation of humans to take this fact into account whenever they consider undertaking actions that would interfere with the needs of animals.

Paragraph 2:

Human beings should also consider that animals have an inherent worth which in itself is completely separate from the usefulness of animals to humans.

  • Being living beings capable of moving, all animals have the right to life and therefore have every right not to be subjected to any kinds of pain.
  • It is wrong on the part of humans to presume that the sole reason for the existence of nonhuman animals is for them to be used by humans.

Paragraph 3:

Another consideration that humans should make is that their infringement of animal rights is based on prejudice that they can easily put an end to.

  • Only prejudice pushes a person into denying another person the rights that they expect to have for themselves.
  • Prejudice is morally unacceptable whether it is based on species, sexual orientation, gender, or race.

Paragraph 4:

There is no any morally relevant difference between human beings and non-human animals.

  • If humans are entitled to their rights, it is only fair that animals too are allowed to enjoy their own rights.
  • It makes no sense when human animals are granted their rights but non-human ones are denied theirs.

Paragraph 5:

Animals have a culture to preserve and thus killing or caging them amounts to an erosion of this culture.

  • All species suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Not justifiable to subject another species to an experience one would not wish for themselves.

Paragraph 6:

It is the belief of some people that because animals are not humans, they should not have the same rights as humans.

  • However, it should be noted that adult mammals and human animals have no morally relevant difference between them.
  • They are both animals and they deserve to be treated the same.

It is true that animals are not human beings and that is not up for debate. However, they deserve to have the rights granted to humans because they suffer like humans. They have an inherent worth given that they are animals like humans save for the difference in their species.

Animals Should Have the Same Rights as Humans

Human beings continue to go to zoos and circuses, wearing leather, and eating meat; activities all of which involve either caging or killing of animals. Animals are also kept as pets by humans and this involves the selling of animals and constructing cages for them so they may not escape. Noteworthy, all these actions have to do with the infringement of animal rights in one way or another. It is however interesting that humans never consider the impacts that these actions have on animals presumably because animals, to them, have no rights. This disregard for animal rights has even attracted court cases some of which sought to have animals viewed as persons just as humans. People should consider giving animals the same rights as human beings because they deserve it.

At the same time Gudwriter’s also provides essay on argumentative essay on animal rights with examples.

Animals should be granted the same rights as humans first because just like humans, they have the capacity to suffer. They feel motherly love, loneliness, frustration, fear, and pleasure depending on the situation they find themselves in. As such, it should be the moral obligation of human beings to take this fact into account whenever they consider undertaking actions that would interfere with the needs of animals. As pointed out by Bennett-Jones (2015), “Factors to consider would include the degree of an animal’s autonomy, sensitivity to pain, level of sentience, self-awareness and ability to hold preferences.” It is well deserving for animals to lead their lives free from being exploited or being subjected to sufferings. As a matter of fact, when deciding on the rights of any being, the question should be whether they can suffer and not whether they can talk or reason.

Human beings should also consider that animals have an inherent worth which in itself is completely separate from their usefulness to humans. Being living beings capable of moving, all animals have the right to life and therefore have every right not to be subjected to any kind of pain. In this regard, it is wrong on the part of human beings to presume that the sole reason for the existence of nonhuman animals is for them to be used by humans. Animals attach immense value to their lives just like humans do, and rightly so. This is why they will always try to evade danger either by defending themselves or running away from sources of danger ( Smith, 2012 ). It is also why they go about looking for food to fend for themselves and their young ones, much like humans.

Further, there is no any morally relevant difference between human beings and non-human animals. If humans are entitled to their rights, it is only fair that animals too are allowed to enjoy their own rights. It makes no sense when human animals are granted their rights but non-human ones are denied theirs. Moreover, being ‘subject-of-a-life,’ both the human and non-human animal species have many attributes in common. They are for instance alive to the fact that they live (“Animal Rights,” 2014). There is thus no justification whatsoever why animals should be denied the rights they deserve. This point leaves human beings with no valid reason to continue trampling upon the rights of non-human animals.

Another consideration that humans should make is that their infringement of animal rights is based on prejudice that they can easily put an end to. As it is, only prejudice pushes a person into denying another person the rights that they expect to have for themselves. As noted by Smith (2012), prejudice is morally unacceptable whether it is based on species, sexual orientation, gender, or race. If humans would not eat a dog for instance, why should they eat goats? The capacity to feel pain is inherent in both dogs and goats. However, out of prejudice, humans consider one as food and the other as a companion.

Further, animals have a culture to preserve and thus killing or caging them amounts to an erosion of this culture. Just like humans, “Elephants that have witnessed the slaughter of their parents by poaching or culling and lost the support of their extended family group exhibit the same erratic and often detached behaviors…” (Siebert, 2014). Their fate resembles that of orphans of war who after losing their families and witnessing the destruction of their villages, remain to wallow in miser. In other words, all species suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. Why subject another species to an experience you would not wish for yourself?

It is the belief of some people that because animals are not humans, they should not have the same rights as humans. However, as already seen, adult mammals and human animals have no morally relevant difference between them ( Cavalieri, 2003 ). They are both animals and they deserve to be treated the same. No matter how humanely animals may be treated, killing, confining, breeding, buying, and selling them invade into their rights. It is unjust to subject one species to sufferance while fighting for the rights of another species yet morally; they both deserve respect and freedom. It is thus dishonest to assume that humans can do whatever they like with animals.

It is true that animals are not human beings and that is not up for debate. However, they deserve to have the rights granted to humans because they suffer like humans. They have an inherent worth given that they are animals like humans save for the difference in their species. They have the will to organize their life according to their culture which is unfortunately interfered with by humans. It amounts to prejudice to subject them to untold sufferings in the name of being turned into food or being kept in cages for whatever purposes. In this respect, it is high time humans considered championing for animals to have the same rights as humans.

Animal Rights. (2014). In BBC . Retrieved July 10, 2020 from

Bennett-Jones, O. (2015). Should animals be given human rights? . BBC News . Retrieved 22 November 2017, from

Cavalieri, P. (2003). The Animal Question: Why Nonhuman Animals Deserve Human Rights . Cary, NC: Oxford University Press, USA.

Siebert, C. (2014). Should Animals Have The Same Rights As People? . Popular Science . Retrieved 22 November 2017, from

Smith, W. J. (2012). A Rat Is a Pig Is a Dog Is a Boy: The Human Cost of the Animal Rights Movement . New York City, NY: Encounter Books.

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Animal Testing Thesis Statement

Animal experimentation has been a controversial topic for many years. Some people believe that it is necessary in order to advance medical research, while others argue that it is cruel and inhumane.

There are pros and cons to both sides of the argument. On one hand, animal testing can be vital in developing new treatments and medications for diseases. Without animal testing, many life-saving drugs would not be available today. On the other hand, animal testing is often criticized because it can be cruel and inhumane. Animals in experiments are often subjected to pain and suffering, and sometimes they do not survive.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to support animal experimentation is a personal one. There are valid arguments on both sides of the issue, and it is up to each individual to decide what they believe is right.

There has been a dispute between animal rights activists and scientists about the morality of using animals in laboratory testing. It is also contentious whether utilizing animals for such research aids in the discovery of cures. If there are no other options and if it is probable that this will advance medical research, I believe that animals may be used for experimental study.

Animal testing is the use of animals in experiments and development projects to determine the toxicity, efficacy or side effects of substances such as drugs, chemicals, cosmetics, vaccines and other products. In many countries around the world animals are still suffering in laboratories with little hope for relief. According to the Animal Welfare Act (AWA), federal law regulates the treatment of animals in research, exhibition, transport, and by dealers.

The AWA does not extend to birds, rats of the genus Rattus, and mice of the genus Mus, which together account for more than 95% of all animals used in research.(1)Animal Experimentation Up 80 Percent In Last Decade) There has been an increase in the use of animals in experiments, although the number of rats and mice used has decreased slightly.

While animal rights advocates argue that people and animals are equivalent, I believe that people and animals cannot be compared; as a result, the death of an animal can never be the same as that of a person. As a result, causing animals to die for science in order to save human lives may be considered ethical to some extent if it aids scientific progress and is beneficial to humanity in general.

Animal testing has been a controversial issue for many years. Some people believe that animal testing is cruel and inhumane, and that it should be stopped immediately. Others believe that animal testing is necessary in order to continue making progress in medical research.

There are pros and cons to both sides of the argument, but I believe that the pros of animal testing outweigh the cons. The main reason I believe this is because animal testing has led to significant medical advances over the years, and has helped save countless lives.

One example of how animal testing has led to a medical breakthrough is the development of penicillin. Penicillin is an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections, and it was first discovered in 1928 by Alexander Fleming. Fleming’s discovery of penicillin was accidental; he was studying bacteria in a petri dish when he noticed that a fungus had contaminated the dish.

Fleming observed that the bacteria were not growing near the fungus, and he realized that the fungus must be producing a substance that was inhibiting the growth of the bacteria. He isolated this substance, which we now know as penicillin, and found that it was effective at killing bacteria.

Fleming’s discovery of penicillin was a major medical breakthrough, and it would not have been possible without animal testing. In order to test whether or not penicillin was effective at treating bacterial infections, Fleming injected it into mice. He found that the mice who were injected with penicillin survived, while the mice who were not injected with penicillin died.

This experiment proved that penicillin was effective at treating bacterial infections in animals, and it paved the way for further research into the drug’s effects on humans. In 1942, penicillin was used to treat a patient with a serious bacterial infection for the first time, and it was found to be effective.

Since then, penicillin has been used to treat millions of people with bacterial infections, and has saved countless lives. Animal testing played a vital role in the development of this life-saving drug, and without it, we would not have the medical advances that we do today.

Animal testing has also played a role in the development of vaccines. Vaccines are used to prevent diseases, and they work by causing the body to develop immunity to a particular disease.

The first vaccine was developed in 1796 by Edward Jenner, and it was used to prevent smallpox. Jenner observed that milkmaids who had contracted cowpox (a mild form of smallpox) were immune to smallpox. He vaccinate people with cowpox in order to give them immunity to smallpox, and his experiment was successful.

Since then, vaccines have been developed for many other diseases, including polio, measles, mumps, rubella, and chickenpox. Animal testing has played a vital role in the development of these life-saving vaccines.

For example, the polio vaccine was developed in 1952 by Jonas Salk. In order to test whether or not the vaccine was safe and effective, Salk injected it into monkeys. He found that the monkeys who were injected with the vaccine did not develop polio, while the monkeys who were not vaccinated developed the disease.

This experiment proved that the polio vaccine was safe and effective, and it paved the way for further research into the vaccine. In 1955, the polio vaccine was declared safe for use in humans, and it has since been used to vaccinate millions of people around the world.

Furthermore, animal rights advocates accuse scientists of being ” barbarous” for causing animals to die in medical research, yet they do not object to people, particularly farmers, who kill animals for food. Even though they are aware that 99 percent of deaths are caused by farmers and only 1 percent by scientists, the reason for that is that they find scientists simpler to attack and have no strategy against farmers who are organized and powerful.

Animal testing has been a controversial issue for many years. Is it necessary? Does it save lives? These are the questions that people ask when they think about animal testing. Animal testing is the use of animals in experiments and development projects usually to determine toxicity, dosing and efficacy of test drugs before proceeding to human clinical trials (1).

Approximately 26 million vertebrate animals are used for research each year around the world (2). The animals used in research vary from mice and rats, which make up 85-90% of all laboratory animals, to larger mammals such as dogs, primates and farm animals.

The United States currently uses the most animals for research, with approximately 1.2 million animals used per year. This is followed by China, Japan, the United Kingdom and Canada (3).

Animal testing has been used for centuries to test products before they are made available to the public. It is only in recent years that animal rights groups have started to question the necessity of animal testing.

Animal testing is necessary in order to ensure the safety of products before they are made available to consumers. Without animal testing, many products would be released that could potentially be harmful to humans. Animal testing allows scientists to test the safety of products before they are used on human subjects.

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105 Animal Testing Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Looking for interesting animal testing topics to research and write about? This field is truly controversial and worth studying!

  • 🌶️ Titles: Catchy & Creative
  • 🐶 Essay: How to Write
  • 🏆 Best Essay Examples
  • 📌 Good Topics to Research
  • 🎯 Most Interesting Topics to Write about

❓ Animal Testing Research Questions

In your animal testing essay, you might want to explore the historical or legal perspective, focus on the issue of animal rights, or discuss the advantages or disadvantages of animal testing in medicine, pharmacology, or cosmetic industry. We’ve gathered the most creative and catchy animal testing titles and added top animal testing essay examples. There are also useful tips on making and outline, formulating a thesis, and creating a hook sentence for your animal testing essay.

🌶️ Animal Testing Titles: Catchy & Creative

  • What would life be like without animal testing?
  • Animal testing: the cruelest experiments.
  • AWA: why does not it protect all animals?
  • What if animals experimented on humans?
  • In the skin of a guinea pig: a narrative essay.
  • Opposing animal testing: success stories.
  • Animal-tested products: should they be destroyed?
  • What have we gained from experiments on animals?
  • Animal testing and cancer research: past and present.

🐶 Animal Testing Essay: How to Write

Animal testing has been an acute problem for a long time. Scientists and pharmaceutical firms use this approach to test cosmetics, foods, and other products people use daily.

Essays on animal testing are important because they highlight the significance of the problem. Writing outstanding animal testing essays requires extensive research and dedication.

We have prepared some do’s and don’ts for your excellent essay. But first, you should select a topic for your paper. Here are the examples of animal testing essay topics you can choose from:

  • The question of animal intelligence from the perspective of animal testing
  • Animal testing should (not) be banned
  • How animal testing affects endangered species
  • The history and consequences of animal testing
  • The controversy associated with animal testing
  • Animal Bill of Rights: Pros and cons
  • Is animal testing necessary?

Remember that these animal testing essay titles are just the ideas for your paper. You are free to select other relevant titles and topics for discussion, too. Once you have selected the problem for your essay, you can start working on the paper. Here are some do’s of writing about animal testing:

  • Do extensive preliminary research on the issue you have selected. You should be aware of all the problems associated with your questions, its causes, and consequences. Ask your professor about the sources you can use. Avoid relying on Wikipedia and personal blogs as your primary sources of information.
  • Develop a well-organized outline and think of how you will structure your paper. Think of the main animal testing essay points and decide how you can present them in the paper. Remember to include introductory and concluding sections along with several body paragraphs.
  • Start your paper with a hooking sentence. An animal testing essay hook should grab the reader’s attention. You can present an interesting question or statistics in this sentence.
  • Include a well-defined thesis statement at the end of the introductory section.
  • Your reader should understand the issue you are discussing. Explain what animal testing is, provide arguments for your position, and support them with evidence from your research.
  • Discuss alternative perspectives on the issue if you are working on a persuasive essay. At the same time, you need to show that your opinion is more reliable than the opposing ones.
  • Remember that your paper should not be offensive. Even if you criticize animal testing, stick to the formal language and provide evidence of why this practice is harmful.

There are some important points you should avoid while working on your paper. Here are some important don’ts to remember:

  • Avoid making claims if you cannot reference them. Support your arguments with evidence from the literature or credible online sources even if you are writing an opinion piece. References will help the reader to understand that your viewpoint is reliable.
  • Do not go over or below the word limit. Stick to your professor’s instructions.
  • Avoid copying the essays you will find online. Your paper should be plagiarism-free.
  • Avoid making crucial grammatical mistakes. Pay attention to the word choice and sentence structures. Check the paper several times before sending it for approval. If you are not sure whether your grammar is correct, ask a friend to look through the paper for you.

Do not forget to look at some of our free samples that will help you with your paper!

Animal Testing Hook Sentence

Your animal testing essay should start with a hook – an opening statement aiming to grab your reader’s attention. A good idea might be to use an impressive fact or statistics connected to experiments on animals:

  • More than 100 million animals are killed in US laboratories each year.
  • Animal Welfare Act (AWA) does not cover 99% animals used in experiments: according to it, rats, birds, reptiles, and fish are not animals.
  • More than 50% adults in the US are against animal testing.

🏆 Best Animal Testing Essay Examples

  • Animal Testing: Should Animal Testing Be Allowed? — Argumentative Essay It is crucial to agree that animal testing might be unethical phenomenon as argued by some groups; nonetheless, it should continue following its merits and contributions to the humankind in the realms of drug investigations […]
  • Should Animals Be Used in Medical Research? It is therefore possible to use animals while testing the dangers and the toxicity of new drugs and by so doing; it is possible to protect human beings from the dangers that can emanate from […]
  • Cosmetic Testing on Animals The surface of the skin or near the eyes of such animals is meant to simulate that of the average human and, as such, is one of easiest methods of determining whether are particular type […]
  • The Debate on Animal Testing The purpose of this paper is to define animal testing within a historical context, establish ethical and legal issues surrounding the acts, discuss animal liberation movements, arguments in support and against the act of animal […]
  • Negative Impacts of Animal Testing To alter these inhumane laws, we should organize a social movement aiming at the reconsideration of the role of animals in research and improvement of their positions.
  • Experimentation on Animals However, critics of experimenting with animals argue that animals are subjected to a lot of pain and suffering in the course of coming up with scientific breakthroughs which in the long run may prove futile.
  • Animal Testing and Environmental Protection While the proponents of animal use in research argued that the sacrifice of animals’ lives is crucial for advancing the sphere of medicine, the argument this essay will defend relates to the availability of modern […]
  • Animal Testing in Medicine and Industry Animal testing is the inescapable reality of medicine and industry. However, between human suffering and animal suffering, the former is more important.
  • Preclinical Testing on Animals The authors argue that despite the recent decline in the level of quality and transparency of preclinical trials, the scientific communities should always rely on animal testing before moving to human subjects and the subsequent […]
  • Using Animals in Medical Research and Experiments While discussing the use of animals in medical research according to the consequentialist perspective, it is important to state that humans’ preferences cannot be counted higher to cause animals’ suffering; humans and animals’ preferences need […]
  • Animal Testing: History and Arguments Nevertheless, that law was more focused on the welfare of animals in laboratories rather than on the prohibition of animal testing.
  • Laboratory Experiments on Animals: Argument Against In some cases, the animals are not given any painkillers because their application may alter the effect of the medication which is investigated.
  • Animal Testing From Medical and Ethical Viewpoints Striving to discover and explain the peculiarities of body functioning, already ancient Greeks and Romans resorted to vivisecting pigs; the scientific revolution of the Enlightenment era witnessed animal testing becoming the leading trend and a […]
  • Animal Testing: Long and Unpretty History Nevertheless, that law was more focused on the welfare of animals in laboratories rather than on the prohibition of animal testing.
  • Animal Testing as an Unnecessary and Atrocious Practice Such acts of violence could be partially excused by the necessity to test medications that are developed to save human lives however, this kind of testing is even more inhumane as it is ineffective in […]
  • Animal Experiments and Inhuman Treatment Although the results of such a laboratory may bring answers to many questions in medicine, genetics, and other vital spheres, it is frequently a case that the treatment of such animals is inhumane and cruel. […]
  • Animal Testing for Scientific Research Despite the fact that the present-day science makes no secret of the use of animals for research purposes, not many people know what deprivation, pain, and misery those animals have to experience in laboratories.
  • Animal Testing and Ethics I believe it is also difficult to develop efficient legislation on the matter as people have different views on animal research and the line between ethical and unethical is blurred in this area.
  • Animal Testing: History and Ethics Moreover, in the twelfth century, another Arabic physician, Avenzoar dissected animals and established animal testing experiment in testing surgical processes prior to their application to man. Trevan in 1927 to evaluate the effectiveness of digitalis […]
  • Animal Testing Effects on Psychological Investigation In this context, ethical considerations remain a central theme in psychological research.”Ethics in research refers to the application of moral rules and professional codes of conduct to the collection, analysis, reporting, and publication of information […]
  • Genetic Modification and Testing: Ethical Considerations It is done on a molecular level by synthesizing DNA, generating sequences and then inserting the received product into the organism which will be the carrier of the outcome. Another possibility is that the time […]
  • Animal Testing: Why It Is Still Being Used The major reason for such “devotion” to animal testing can be explained by the fact that alternative sources of testing are insufficient and too inaccurate to replace conventional way of testing.
  • Effects of Animal Testing and Alternatives Another challenge to the proponents of animal testing is related to dosage and the time line for a study. Animal rights values rebuff the notion that animals should have an importance to human beings in […]
  • Ethics Problems in Animal Experimentation In spite of the fact that it is possible to find the arguments to support the idea of using animals in experiments, animal experimentation cannot be discussed as the ethical procedure because animals have the […]
  • Animal Testing: Ethical Dilemmas in Business This means that both humans and animals have rights that need to be respected, and that is what brings about the many dilemmas that are experienced in this field.
  • Should animals be used for scientific research? Therefore, considering the benefits that have been accrued from research activities due to use of animals in scientific research, I support that animals should be used in scientific research.
  • Use of Animals in Research Testing: Ethical Justifications Involved The present paper argues that it is ethically justified to use animals in research settings if the goals of the research process are noble and oriented towards the advancement of human life.
  • Ethical Problems in Animal Experimentation The banning of companies from testing on animals will force the manufacturers to use conventional methods to test their drugs and products.
  • Utilitarianism for Animals: Testing and Experimentation There are alternatives in testing drugs such as tissue culture of human cells and hence this is bound to be more accurate in the findings.
  • Use of Animals in Biological Testing Thus, these veterinarians have realized that the results that are realized from the animal research are very crucial in the improvement of the health of human being as well as that of animals.
  • Medical Research on Animals Should be Forbidden by Law Vaccines and treatment regimes for various diseases that previously led to the death of humans were all discovered through research on animals.
  • Psychoactive Drug Testing on Animals The alterations in behavioral traits of animals due to psychoactive drugs are primarily attributed to the changes in the brain functions or inhibition of certain brain components in animals which ultimately translates to changes in […]
  • Negative Impacts of Animal Testing In many instances it can be proofed that drugs have been banned from the market after extensive research on animal testing and consuming a lot of cash, because of the dire effects that they cause […]

📌 Good Animal Testing Topics to Research

  • Monkeys Don’t Like Wearing Makeup: Animal Testing In The Cosmetics Industry
  • Animal Testing – Should Animal Experimentation Be Permitted
  • Essay Animal Testing and In Vitro Testing as a Replacement
  • Animal Testing : A Better Knowledge Of Human Body
  • The Importance Of Animal Testing For Evaluating Consumer Safety
  • The Issues on Animal Testing and the Alternative Procedures to Avoid the Use of the Inhuman Experimentation
  • An Alternative to the Harsh and Unnecessary Practices of Animal Testing for Products, Drugs, Chemicals and Other Research
  • The Unethical Use of Animals and the Need to Ban Animal Testing for Medical Research Purposes in the United States
  • An Argument in Favor of Animal Testing for the Purpose of Clinical Research
  • An Argument Against Animal Testing and the Banning of the Practice in the United States
  • The Debate About the Ethics of Animal Testing and Its Effects on Us
  • An Argument in Favor of Animal Testing as Beneficial to Human Health Research
  • Animal Testing and the Reasons Why It Should Be Illegal
  • The Principles of the Animal Testing From the Human Perspective
  • The Ethical Issues on the Practice of Animal Testing to Test Cosmetics and Drugs
  • Stopping Animal Testing and Vivisection by Passing a Bill against Animal Cruelty

🎯 Most Interesting Animal Testing Topics to Write about

  • An Argument Against Animal Testing of Consumer Products and Drugs
  • The Consequences and Unethical Practice of Animal Testing for Medical Training and Experiments
  • How Do The Contributions Of Animal Testing To Global Medical
  • Ways To Improve Animal Welfare After Premising The Animal Testing
  • Animal Testing – Necessary or Barbaric and Wrong?
  • Animal Testing And Its Impact On The Environment
  • Animal Testing and Its Contribution to the Advancement of Medicine
  • Cosmetics and Animal Testing: The Cause of Death and Mistreatment
  • Animal Testing And People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals
  • Animal Rights Activists and the Controversial Issue of Animal Testing
  • A History and the Types of Animal Testing in the Medical Area
  • Argumentation on Medical Benefits of Animal Testing
  • An Analysis of the Concept of Animal Testing Which Lowers the Standard of Human Life
  • Is The Humane Society International Gave For Animal Testing
  • A Discussion of Whether Animal Testing Is Good for Mankind or Violation of Rights
  • The Ethics Of Animal Testing For Vaccine Development And Potential Alternatives
  • The Good and Bad of Human Testing and Animal Testing
  • What Should the Government Do About Animal Testing?
  • Why Does Animal Testing Lower Our Standard of Living?
  • Should Animals Be Used in Research?
  • Why Should Animal Testing Be Accepted in the World?
  • How Does Technology Impact Animal Testing?
  • Why Should Animal Testing Be Illegal?
  • Should Animal Testing Remain Legal?
  • Why Should Animal Testing Be Banned?
  • Can the Animal Testing Done to Find Cures for Diseases Be Humane?
  • Does Animal Testing Really Work?
  • Why Can’t Alternatives Like Computers Replace Research Animals?
  • Should Animal Testing Continue to Test Cures for Human Diseases?
  • How Does Animal Testing Effect Medicine?
  • Should Animal Testing Continue or Be Stopped?
  • What Are Advantages and Disadvantages of Animal Testing?
  • Why Can Animal Testing Save Our Lives?
  • Is Stem Cell Research Beginning of the End of Animal Testing?
  • Do Beauty Products Suffer From Negative Publicity if They Conduct Trials on Animals?
  • Should Medicine Trials Be Conducted?
  • Can Results of Animal Testing Be Generalized to Adults?
  • What Are the Origin and History of Animal Testing?
  • Why Are Animals Needed to Screen Consumer Products for Safety When Products Tested by Alternative Methods, Are Available?
  • How Much Does an Animal Suffer Due to Testing?
  • What Is the Effectiveness of Animal Rights Groups in Stopping Animal Testing?
  • How Do We Learn From Biomedical Research Using Animals?
  • Who Cares for Animals in Research?
  • How Do Laboratory Animal Science Professionals Feel About Their Work?
  • Why Are There Increasing Numbers of Mice, Rats, and Fish Used in Research?
  • How Can We Be Sure Lost or Stolen Pets Are Not Used in Research?
  • Why Do Clinical Trials in Humans Require Prior Animal Testing?
  • Vegetarianism Essay Ideas
  • Animal Welfare Ideas
  • Bioethics Titles
  • Wildlife Ideas
  • Extinction Research Topics
  • Hunting Questions
  • Genetic Engineering Topics
  • Zoo Research Ideas
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2023, November 9). 105 Animal Testing Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"105 Animal Testing Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 9 Nov. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '105 Animal Testing Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 9 November.

IvyPanda . 2023. "105 Animal Testing Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 9, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "105 Animal Testing Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 9, 2023.


IvyPanda . "105 Animal Testing Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 9, 2023.

What is a good thesis statement for animal rights?

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Typically, asking a question is not a good form for a thesis statement . It is a statement after all. It is not a bad practice to use a thesis question to help focus your writing, but it should be edited out of the final draft. Avoid asking questions altogether in any essay unless it is purely a rhetorical question, and even then this strategy should be used sparingly.

For an essay on animal abuse, ask yourself what you want to discuss. Where do you want to take your audience? On what do you want to focus? Do you want to take an emotionally track or do you want to rely more heavily on statistics and hard data?

You might try this or something like it:

Thousands of pets are euthanized every year. People want companionship, and without much forethought, they run to the nearest pet store and buy the first puppy, kitten, bird, turtle, rabbit, chicken, or duck that catches their eye. They become instantly enamored with their choice of friend, but then the food dish gets kicked over, the first accident happens on their twenty thousand dollar carpet, the threads are torn from the couch, or the drapes are shredded. What then? Obviously the master was never intended to live like this, so only one option remains: death. This is the destiny of thousand, perhaps hundreds of thousands of pets lives every year.

There are quite a few topics that would make good thesis statements for animal abuse. One good one would be the effects of puppy mills. The topic dog fighting in America would make a good thesis statement.

read up on the subject, I have been told in every introduction to ask questions that you are going to answer within your essay. Good luck

Animals deserve rights, and these rights should annihilate one direction Zayn Malik lousy

There are quite a few good thesis statements for pro animal testing viewpoints. One thesis statement is 'Animal Testing Helps Improve Quality of Life in Humans'.

There are many good thesis statements for an essay regarding animal testing. One thesis statement may be 'The Effects of Animal Testing and Cosmetic Use.'

Animal cruelty is bad because God did not put them on Earth to be abused.

animals are inportant to society and testings are cruel. If you gain something you also WILL loose something.

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There are quite a few good thesis statements for pro animal testing viewpoints. One thesis statement is 'Animal Testing Helps Improve Quality of Life in Humans'.

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    good thesis statement for animal rights



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  4. Craft Your Perfect Thesis Statement

  5. A Good Thesis Statement Organizes Your Essay

  6. Demystifying the Thesis Statement: The Backbone of Your Essay


  1. Thesis Statement for Animals Deserve Rights, and Their Rights

    Thesis Statement. Animals deserve rights because they are sentient beings capable of feeling pain and suffering, and it is our moral duty to protect and respect their rights. History and Debates. The concept of animal rights can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as India, where animals were considered sacred and were protected from ...

  2. PDF Animal Rights and Human Responsibilities: Towards a Relational

    Animal Rights and Human Responsibilities: Towards a Relational Capabilities Approach in Animal Ethics. Master of Arts (Political Science), May 2018, 44 pp., references, 22 titles. In this thesis, I analyze some of the most important contributions concerning the inclusion of animals in the moral and political sphere.

  3. Animal Rights Essay: Topics, Outline, & Writing Tips

    It is a priceless selection of statistics and facts about animal rights. Animal Rights Essay: Conclusion. A conclusion restates your central ideas and thesis statement. Approach it as a summary of your essay, avoid providing new facts or arguments. ️ Animal Rights Essay Example (200 Words) On-Time Delivery! Receive your plagiarism-free paper done

  4. How to Deal with Animal Right Essays: Quick & Simple Prompts

    How to Write Animal Rights Thesis Statement. The thesis statement for animal right essays should be clear and concise, communicating your central message and purpose of the paper. The thesis should not be too long or too short. It should also incorporate the central arguments you'll expand in the following sections of your text.

  5. Arguments for Animal Rights

    For example, he criticizes people who view animals as property because he believes animals could reason as human beings do. For example, he says Chimpanzees have this ability (Linker 9). He uses this argument to say their reasoning ability makes them more valuable than other types of property.

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  7. 101 Animal Rights Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Human and Animal Rights on Board. In this essay, the goal is to compare the conditions when people have to use animals to improve their quality of life, and when people want to use animals for their benefit. Animal Rights in Whistler, British Columbia: A Case Study of 100 Slaughtered Sledge Dogs.

  8. Thesis Statement For Animals Deserve Rights, And Their Rights

    Thesis Statement. Animals deserve rights, and these rights should annihilate the problems with animal abuse, abandonment, and animal experimentation. Purpose Statement. The purpose of this research paper is to discuss animal rights and what animals right activist ideology fight for which includes animal abuse, abandonment, experimentation, and ...

  9. Animal Rights and Human Responsibilities: Towards a Relational

    In this thesis, I analyze some of the most important contributions concerning the inclusion of animals in the moral and political sphere. Moving from these positions, I suggest that a meaningful consideration of animals' sentience demands a profound, radical political theory which considers animals as moral patients endowed with specific capabilities whose actualization needs to be allowed and ...

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  11. Animal Rights Essay: Writing Tips And General Information

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  13. Do Zoos Help Or Harm Animals

    The question of whether zoos help or harm animals is a contentious and complex issue that has sparked widespread debate among animal rights advocates, conservationists, and the general public. On one hand, zoos are touted as institutions dedicated to conservation, education, and research. On the other, they face criticism for issues related to animal welfare, confinement, and ethical concerns.

  14. Animal Rights Persuasive Essay Sample, with Outline

    Animal Rights Essay Outline. Introduction. Thesis: People should consider giving animals the same rights as human beings because they deserve it. Body. Paragraph 1: Animals should be granted the same rights as humans first because just like humans, they have the capacity to suffer.

  15. What is a strong thesis statement for an essay against animal abuse

    A good thesis statement would include the definition which you come up with to define what animal abuse actually is. Examples are as follows: 1. Animal abuse is not defined by all people in the ...

  16. Animal Testing Thesis Statement Essay on Animal rights, Animal testing

    Animal testing is the use of animals in experiments and development projects usually to determine toxicity, dosing and efficacy of test drugs before proceeding to human clinical trials (1). Approximately 26 million vertebrate animals are used for research each year around the world (2).

  17. 105 Animal Testing Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Here are the examples of animal testing essay topics you can choose from: The question of animal intelligence from the perspective of animal testing. Animal testing should (not) be banned. How animal testing affects endangered species. The history and consequences of animal testing.

  18. Animal Farm Sample Essay Outlines

    I. Thesis Statement: Animal Farm is the study of a dream betrayed. It begins with hope for the. animals and ends with their miserable lives getting even worse. II. Old Major's Dream. A. Man is ...

  19. Q: What is a good thesis statement for animal rights

    A good thesis statement for animal rights could be: "Animal rights are an important ethical issue that deserves attention, as all living beings have the right to be treated with compassion and respect." To support this thesis statement, you can provide examples of how animals are often mistreated or exploited for human purposes, such as in ...

  20. What is a good thesis statement for animal rights?

    One thesis statement is 'Animal Testing Helps Improve Quality of Life in Humans'. There are many good thesis statements for an essay regarding animal testing. One thesis statement may be 'The ...

  21. What Is A Good Thesis Statement For Animal Rights

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  22. Good Thesis Statements For Animal Rights

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  23. Good Thesis Statements For Animal Rights

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